The scientific dissemination, the realization of Outreach Activities (Courses, Symposiums, Congress, eta) and every other activity that targets the benefit of society with information and knowledge of the Health Sciences it of our interest.
– Extensions of a Digital Library of Laboratory Samples Histopathology. Ampliaciones de una Mediateca Digital de Muestras de Laboratorio Histopatológico. Avila RE, Alonso I Alemany L, Samar ME, Buzzetti LB, Juri G, Juri H. Int. J. Morphol. 28/3: 875-878, 2010. ISSN 0717-9502. Full Article. -Ethical considerations of artificial insemination. J Venom Anim Toxins incl Trop Dis. 17 (4):361-500, 2011. Full Article. – Telemedicine. Technology as a medicine ally. Rodolfo Ávila y María Samar. Full Article. – Virtual mentoring at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. Rodolfo Ávila. Full Article. – Use of LabView® as an virtual instrument for the measurement of tooth mobility. V. Beluatti,G.Pineda, R.Avila. Full Article. – The radiations can affect the skin. Josefina Edelstein. Rodolfo Ávila y Colaboradores. Full Article. -Current medical education. 1st Part, 2nd Part, 3rd Part. Avila Rodolfo y Samar María Elena. Artículo Completo. –Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Fetal Health. Avila Rodolfo Esteban , Samar María Elena. Full Article. |